Transportation Noise
transportation noise
Land developers must consider transportation noise impacts (e.g., traffic, railroad, rapid transit, and military and civilian aircraft noise) when developing their site plans. Many towns and counties specifically require doing so. Where transportation noise exceeds these local requirements, mitigation strategies including noise walls, berms, site plan changes, and architectural upgrades must be considered.
Typical Services
- On-site measurements to assess existing site noise. This can include measurements lasting 24 hours up to several weeks.
- Computer modeling of vehicle traffic noise
- Prediction of noise level at outdoor recreation or back yard areas and interior noise levels through the building facade
- Field tests in completed buildings to establish compliance with local requirements
- Completion of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Noise Assessment Guidelines worksheets for residential buildings. This is often required for developers or purchasers seeking HUD financial loans.
Sound Insulation Guidelines for Aircraft Noise
While working for Wyle Laboratories, Inc. in 2005, the founder of Hush Acoustics, Gary Ehrlich, was the principal author of the Guidelines for Sound Insulation of Residences Exposed to Aircraft Operations, published for the Navy Facilities Engineering Command. That document provided detailed guidance for how homeowners could sound insulate their houses if they are exposed to aircraft noise, and also came with a computer program that could provide more specific guidance on the appropriate sound insulation measures. Under contract through Blue Ridge Research and Consulting in 2017, and in conjunction with The Jones Payne Group, Inc., Hush Acoustics updated the computer program and expanded it to be used to propose sound insulation upgrades for any type of structure, not just houses.
Manassas Station Railroad Noise
Devereaux & Associates, PC designed Manassas Station Apartments, in Manassas, VA, for the owner Christopher Companies . This building will be along an active railroad, near the Manassas Station. Hush Acoustics worked with the owner and architect to evaluate railroad noise intrusion into the apartments, as well as acoustical privacy between apartments.
Howard Square Traffic Noise
Through the rezoning phase, Hush Acoustics worked with the owner Dolben on the Verde at Howard Square project. Our services included measuring existing traffic noise levels on the site, computer modeling of traffic noise with the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Traffic Noise Model (TNM), a building shell analysis to predict indoor traffic noise levels, and recommendations to mitigation traffic noise.